The values are collected through record-keeping, polling, observation, or measurement. Data is the facts, texts, or numbers that can be collected and later converted into a meaningful result. Data might be qualitative or quantitative.
Opinions are views or judgments formed in the mind about a particular matter. It is the result of people’s attitudes, intentions, knowledge, and motives. Opinions are important to study awareness, preferences, tastes, attitudes, reactions, likes & dislikes, etc.
Primary data is the original data gathered by the researcher expressly to solve the problem under consideration at that time. Primary data had not been previously collected or assembled for any other known study. They do not previously exist in any organized form. Primary data can be collected from questionnaires, interviews, and observations.
This PDF Note Covers
- Concept of Data
- Types of Data
- Sources of Data
- Concept of Primary Data
- Sources of Primary Data
- Questionnaire (Self-Administration Questionnaire/Interviewer Administration)
- Questionnaire Design/Guidelines for Questionnaire Administration
- Research Interview (Structured/Unstructured/Semi-Structured)
- Types of Research Interviews (One-to-One/One-to-Many)
- Concept of Observation
- Methods of Observation (Participant/Non-Participant)
- Sources of Secondary Data
- Documents and Records/Surveys
- Use of the Internet in the Data Collection Process
- Qualitative Data and Its Sources
- Sources of Qualitative Data Collection
- Types of Qualitative Data Collection
- Factors Affecting Choice of Data Collection Methods